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- Create Date August 19, 2024
- Last Updated August 19, 2024
WWCA seeks to take a leading role in management of corruption and fraud by developing a policy framework to guide and direct the dealings of the organization, both internally and externally. This policy is anchored by WWCA mission, vision and values and is in tandem with the expectations and baselines set by the statutes of the Government of Kenya in the management of corruption and fraud in the society. WWCA is conscious of the risks and threats of corruption and fraud in its day to day operations, management of its programs and achievement of its
strategic growth; WWCA recognises that corruption and fraud have detrimental impacts to the organisation’s stability, and if not systematically managed, they may undermine the goal and mission of the organisation, harm its reputation and financial viability; WWCA also recognises that corruption and fraud are key drivers of biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, poverty, conflicts, bad governance, increase costs of basic public services, and undermine attainment of national and global sustainable development goals.