Koisetei Wildlife Conservancy

Koisetei Wildlife Conservancy


Kositei Wildlife Conservancy was registered in the year 2014 as a Community Conservancy and in the year 2016 it was registered under the umbrella of KWCA. Kositei Wildlife Conservancy is found in West Pokot county in Endugh ward Kositei location,its size is approximately 21,000 hactres ,it is 120 kilometres from Kapenguria town the headquarter of  West Pokot County.


It has 8 rangers and different types of wild animals and is a home of Elephants, Buffaloes, Lions, Warthog, Impalas/Antelopes, Leopards, Hyenas, wolves, snakes, Tortoise, Crocodiles, Ducks, Bear, Baboons, Monkeys and variety of birds such as Hawk, Eagle, Guinea fowl, Dove, Water fowl,Weaver bird, Sunbird and Wood Pecker.

Crocodiles are also found in Turkwel Dam which is also the tourist attraction site to many people such as students ,researchers and visitors, It has also mountains and hills.